Marina Sirtis on Troi/Riker wedding plans
Date: Tue, August 6, 2002

While speaking to fans at Las Vegas’ Creation Entertainment convention, Marina Sirtis talked quite a bit about Troi's role in the upcoming "Star Trek: Nemesis" — particularly the character's wedding to longtime love interest William Riker (Jonathan Frakes). "It's a fabulous wedding, and we have some old friends come to visit," she said. "And I wear a pink dress. Well, come on, white? At Troi's age? With her track record? I don't think so."

Sirtis went on to say that the nuptuals don't exactly hold up to Betazoid traditions — much to the disappointment of some of the fans in the crowd. "Actually, we are on our way to Betazed for the traditional wedding when the adventure starts, so we never actually get there," she explained. "But because we're on our way, there's plenty of opportunity to make jokes about nudity. Worf doesn't want to get naked ... and Picard keeps going to the gym!"

And the wedding is only the beginning of the excitement for Troi. "I get to drive again," said Sirtis. "It's not exactly a crash, but it does need work." She later added that, "In this movie, it's a Troi you have not really seen before. It's a really, really nice part." Sirtis also mentioned that X-Men director Bryan Singer has a cameo in the film.